# Overview
This drone project is my attempt at really learning embedded programming.
Each "day" I work on the project I will create a blog entry about it. A day in this context is basically just a group of tasks which I initially think I can complete in a day but end up completing in multiple. 👌
It should be noted, this blog is not meant for anyones eyes but my own! It's not meant to be a good read, or informative, just keep me motivated to keep going. The documentation section will be the place for information
# Blog Entries
day0 - Inital groundstation setup and design
day1 - Outputing data over the USB
day2 - Getting the sensor data and hooking it up to the groundstation
day3 - Recieving data from the handheld controller
# The stack
For the drone flight controller I am using a stm32f3 discovery board, which the rust discovery book (opens new window) is based on.
I will be using the built in gyroscope, accelerometer, and other on board sensors.
For the electronic speed controller I will be using idk yet.
For the motors I will be using idk yet.
The groundstation is written in javascript (node on the backend, vanilla on the frontend)